Results for: Block1 – Kentucky (Louisville) – Round Robin
Click team for detailed record:
DivRankTeamWLPtsAvgTie WTie Pts
11KY-SE Louisville 1611,860266
2KY-SE Louisville 4521,830261
3KY-SE Louisville 3431,7302471295
4KY-SE Louisville 5431,7002430195
5KY-SE Louisville 2341,7652521315
6KY-SE Louisville 6341,6202310180
7KY-Bluegrass 1251,610230
8KY-SE Prospect 1161,500214
21KY-SE Louisville 7411,2252451320
2KY-SE Louisville 8411,0202040100
3KY-SE Prospect 2321,110222
4KY-SE Louisville 9239001801215
5KY-SE Prospect 3239851970195
6KY-Bluegrass 205775155
This information is posted by each local league or regional tournament and is displayed 'as is.' Contact your local league coordinator or regional tournament director with questions about or corrections to the data.
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