Results for: Block1 – Indiana (Indy) – Round Robin
Click team for detailed record:
DivRankTeamWLPtsAvgTie WTie Pts
11IN-Mount Pleasant 1501,325265
2IN-Mt Gilead 1411,235247
3IN-New Brunswick 1231,2052411505
4IN-Mount Pleasant 2231,1802361505
5IN-Victory 1231,1852371445
6IN-Mt Gilead 205955191
21IN-Mt Gilead 350960192
2IN-Mt Gilead 441955191
3IN-Clarksburg 132895179
4IN-New Brunswick 223810162
5IN-Victory 214780156
31IN-Clarksburg 241950190
2IN-Indian Creek 1328401681450
3IN-Mt Gilead 7328101621425
4IN-Mt Gilead 5328401681375
5IN-Mt Gilead 623895179
This information is posted by each local league or regional tournament and is displayed 'as is.' Contact your local league coordinator or regional tournament director with questions about or corrections to the data.
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